Sunday, 8 May 2016

Dreamland operators bring in brand partnership specialists, Brand and Deliver

An article in Event Magazine has reported that the operators of Dreamland Margate [Sands Heritage Limited] have brought in entertainment brand partnership specialists, Brand and Deliver to: 

"to devise and manage a promotional campaign based on seasonable sponsorship and awareness-driving brand partnerships for the amusement park."

At first, I thought it was a feature on Margate's hottest satirical blog, the brilliantly finger-on-the-pulse, The Daily Margz. But no, checking out Brand and Deliver's twitter feed, it's a for real thing.

From the list of brands, Brand and Deliver work for, it seems an interesting pairing for a brand like Dreamland.

Dreamland is the beating heart of Margate that re-launched in June last year after a 12-year grass roots campaign and a reported £30m of public funding, centred around heritage and education. Dreamland is one of the world's best loved and well known amusement parks. i.e. Dreamland is already a very well known international brand in its own right.

But the article then goes on to say:

"Katie Lipington, marketing and sponsorship manager at Dreamland Margate, said: "Dreamland is one of the South East’s best kept secrets, but as we approach our one-year anniversary, the time has come to grow awareness nationwide. We’re looking forward to working with brands that can help us spread the word about Dreamland’s unique seaside magic and make it a go-to destination for old-fashioned thrill seekers everywhere."

A brand partnership deal would surely be pairing corporate brands with the better known Dreamland brand? And in that sense, I can see that's lucrative. The question is, for whom? And is it a good thing?