Friday 16 October 2009

Looking for Photos of Youth Culture in Margate for Exhibition

The lovely ladies at Helterskelter, the newly opened vintage shop at 13 Market Place in Margate's Old Town, are looking for photographs to include in an exhibition about Margate youth culture which is set to take place in November at the shop.

They're looking for photographs of people from the 1950s onwards, when the subjects in the photos were young, with interesting clothes and/or set in interesting places in Margate.

Contact Katharine at:

Or pop into the shop at 13 Market Place.


  1. Have forwarded this to Nick D to see if he can help

  2. Thank you to both of you for your help, I've received both Peter's and Nick's photos so thank you for that Fiona! Please do come down to the boutique on Saturday 14th November when the exhibition will take place, of course, you're welcome any time! weds - sats 10am - 6pm!

    Thanks again


  3. Thank you both for your help, have received both Peter's and Nick's photos! Really appreciate your help with this! Please come down to the boutique on Saturday 14th November as this is when the exhibition will be taking place!

    Thanks again

