Monday 18 November 2013

All change at Thanet District Council?

What a strange day it turned out to be!

First off, Eastcliff Richard posts on his blog about the alleged imminent departure of Thanet District Council's head of Legal Services, Harvey Patterson. 

Then, five minutes later I hear that the Thanet Conservative Group, via Councillor Bob Bayford, have decided to not only agree with the sentiments of the Independent Members of the Standards Committee, that the public have a very low regard for the Council and councillors alike, but that they, the Thanet Conservative Group, are now very supportive of the live streaming of council meetings and allowing the public to film. 

All I can say is 'well done, Bob' and that we'll see where all of this goes. I'm sure Eric Pickles and Laura Sandys will be happy with this shift in viewpoint. 

Follow the hashtag #righttofilm on twitter to keep up with the journey.

Independent Members of the Standards Committee Report - 21 November 2013

As the title of the report says in capital letters: RESPECT

Take it away Aretha!


  1. Is this a 'date for the diary'? Could this mark the beginning of change at TDC??? My fingers are firmly crossed. Well done on all your work re #RightToFilm :D

  2. Wouldn't that be great if this was the start of positive change at TDC.

  3. Bob must have gone to a charm school and is feeling more confident about his public persona. He survived a public humilation after abusing an audience at this meeting item 6 in the attached minutes after Paul Carter instructed Anne Charman to "lose" the video tape of the meeting. That was the turning point for members of the public to make their own records. So ironically it was Bob's foul mouth in 2010 that has spawned the publics persistance to achieve this long awaited turnaound, and pressure form the Party of course, as they frantically destroy their own web history.

  4. I remember that meeting! Had forgotten about it. Reminds me how important the Thanet Local Board meetings are.
    ECR's posting of the highways dept cartoon from the depths of Albion House reminds me that I've been told of a number of occasions of residents being put on speaker phone at TDC's open plan office for ridicule.

  5. Great piece. Wonder where the spotlight will go next?

  6. I think Harvey is 55 so perhaps he plans an early retirement ? If he does go I can but hope that his successor demonstrates working knowledge of the Civil Procedure Rules (Pre-action protocol), The duties imposed on the council by the Law and Disorder Act and the Terrorism Act.

  7. I think it is a meeting!Maybe he had forgotten about are important the Thanet Local Board meetings are.
    ECR's posting of the highways dept cartoon from the depths of Albion House reminds me that I've been told of a number of occasions of residents being put on speaker phone at TDC's open plan office for ridicule.

  8. It took until the beginning of February for my story about Harvey's departure to me officially confirmed. More here.
