Monday 21 March 2011

Dear TDC,

Don't you think it would be a good idea, if not also the legal requirement, to apply and approve for a replacement for a building in the Conservation Area before you apply to knock it down?




Plans to tackle a prominent eyesore along Margate seafront have been agreed.

Thanet District Council’s Cabinet last night (Thursday 17 March) agreed a strategy to tackle the appearance of the Fort Road Hotel, which overlooks Turner Contemporary.

The building has lain derelict for the last 20 years and was acquired by the council through compulsory purchase in December 2010. Since purchasing it, the council has carried out urgent work to the front wall of the building, which was in danger of collapse. Major repair work needs to be carried out to the property and a structural survey, carried out on behalf of the council, has suggested that, because there is so much to do, demolition is one option.

Over the next six months, the council will actively market the property to see if it can be redeveloped as a small hotel and a restaurant. Cabinet Members were told that there had already been interest from people, who are interested in acquiring the property, one of which is the owner of a five star boutique hotel elsewhere in Kent. The aim will be to complete work on the site by September 2012.

If there is no interest in the Fort Road Hotel within the next six months, then an application for consent to demolish the building will be made to the Secretary of State.

Director of Community Services, Madeline Homer, said: “Despite its appearance today and its condition over recent years, the Fort Road Hotel is a property full of history. It’s one of the few buildings surrounding the gallery that Turner would recognise from his era. For that reason, it’s vital that the council does what it can to find a new use for this building, which we now own. Of course, we can’t wait forever, with an eyesore looming over Turner Contemporary, so that’s why we’ve set a deadline for a viable scheme to come forward. We’re hopeful, with the interest that’s already been shown, and the wonderful location of the Fort Road Hotel, that there is a future for this building within that deadline.”

Temporary measures will be put in place ahead of the opening of Turner Contemporary to improve the appearance of the building."


Cheryl Pendry
Press and Media Manager
Thanet District Council

Tel: 01843 577 034
Fax: 01843 295 343

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