Tuesday 1 February 2011

Margate & Cliftonville praised for work on Conservation Areas

Nice to see some praise coming Margate's way. I was a founder member of the Margate Conservation Area Advisory Group.The wonderful sounding CAAG. Hopefully the roll out of Conservation Areas in Cliftonville will help to preserve some of its fine buildings and green spaces. We meet once per month.

Do get in touch if you would like to know more about the group or get involved.

"A seaside town in Kent has been praised by a conservation body for its attempts to preserve its historic character.

English Heritage (EH) said Cliftonville in Margate should be seen as a benchmark of conservation success.

It said volunteers had worked with the district council to set up a conservation area and make "dramatic improvements".

Derek Harding, a director at Margate Renewal Partnership, said preserving its character attracted investment.

He said: "Much of the historic townscape of Cliftonville is intact. The quality, scale and setting of the buildings present some real opportunities."

The town is singled out in a new English Heritage guide called Valuing Places: Good Practice in Conservation Areas.

The report said one in 13 of England's 10,000 conservation areas were threatened by neglect and decline."


  1. Peter, there is a lot of work being done to try to safeguard it. The underground structures beneath the surface at The Lido have been listed since the last developer went belly up, making it now much harder to build flats on top. I'm about to do a post about that whole stretch of seafront. If anyone wants to help campaign to get it sorted out, please shout.

  2. I would love to get involved in the conservation group. Could you let me know a bit more about it and how i would join please.

  3. If you are interested in joining the CAAG, please contact the Conservation Dept of TDc who will put you in touch.

  4. I didn't realise it was a thanet district council group. I'll pass thanks.

  5. Margate Conservation Area Group is not a Council Group. It is a an independent group of local volunteers passionate about the town and its heritage.

  6. Margate Old Town is looking beautiful, the listing of the Nailand Rock Shelter last year was a stroke of genius that got national press and cost the town no money. The new Dalby Square Conservation Area is the beginning of a wave of change for Cliftonville. The Listing last year of the Lido protects the original bathing structures for future generations against property developers - lets not forget that is was going to be demolished to make way for 300 flats. I prefer a derelict ruin to 300 developer flats. True, there are some big fcukups, like the whole of marine terrace, but in the balance, it is good to see their work and the contribution many others have made, recognised in the press.

  7. Oh Peter, for a photographer you can come across as very short sighted.
