Tuesday 1 February 2011

Pfizer's closure comes as a big blow

Oh bugger. Pfizer's research center in Sandwich closing comes as a big blow for the area. Others have covered it better than I can.

So what's that big road for that they're constructing out to Pfizer?

Other places in the world also suffered when Pfizer pulled out. Such as New London Conneticut The now infamous case went all the way to the US Supreme Court Kelo v City of New London was a landmark case. In the end Pfizer left a desert in it's wake after they then pulled out of the area.

Perhaps we should also be wary of jobs promised at the airport and whatever happened to the number of jobs that Thanet Earth would bring or China Gateway for that matter.


  1. Shocking news. A big blow for the area that will have a devastating effect on many peoples personal lives.

    I hope the previous post is ironic. Those 2000 highly skilled scientists on the till and packing the shelves at Tesco. They'll have to job-share since Tesco is realistically going to have around 20 staff, but at least they'll be able to tell us what's in the junk food. Maybe they could also take up the 13 or so posts that will be available if Manston gets it's night flights- that's before they also leave the area, leaving a financial black hole.

  2. Oh Peter, your more excited about a multinational than an art gallery?

  3. Funny last time i checked Peter i was living in the real world as well! and yes like you i also know pensioners on buses, mums taking their kids to school, taxi drivers, And i have friends who have lived and continue to live in Arlington House who all support Turner, investment and change 100%. I am sorry if that doesn't fit in with your view but if your going to keep posting negative comments or as you see it 'realistic' don't be surprised if someone respectfully disagrees.

  4. Peter, 300 jobs? Seriously? How many people work at Morrissons, for example? Usually there are no more than 15 people working there. Think about it: 2 in the bakery, 2 at the fish counter, 2 at the butchers 4 or 5 on the tills a couple stacking shelves 1 security guard 1 at the cigarette counter, 1 customer services 1 manager and 2 in the office 1 in the car park - thats about 20. And that's at the busy times of day.
    And Tesco Manston? Perhaps 10 more? Do you seriously believe Manston Tesco employs 300 full time staff? Seriously?

    That is like the 400 local jobs Thanet Earth were going to create. And we know how many local people work there.

    Thing how many people the a butchers shop like rooks employs, do the fruit and vegetable shop on the high street, the camera shop. Of course the corporation bosses want to boost the idea that they will bring wealth and jobs to the area. In reality, Supermarkets take jobs away and siphon money out of the local communities.

    They take jobs away because they are an efficient at making profit for shareholders. That do this by minimising staff compared to traditional retail (this means loosing jobs in the area) and by cutting costs of supply (less money to farmers) they access suppliers worldwide (less local produce) and the profits are spent elsewhere (the money goes to their global shareholders.
    Most jobs are minimum wage. Their management doesn't come from the bottom ranks, so forget career prospects.


    Maybe you can be excited about a shorter drive or walk to the supermarket.

    So now you have talked to a local who is NOT excited about Tescos!

  5. I'm glad I don't live in the real world. I won't have to meet Peter Checksfield!
