Thursday 3 February 2011

Plans for Arlington and Tescos

Plans are now online for Tesco's at Arlington. You can view at TDC's offices or online at UK Planning.
Search under the application number:

The plans are quite big so might be better to view in hardcopy. I'll comment back when I've looked in more detail.

In the meantime, TDC's press dept released a joyous press release about the site. No mention of the impact on local businesses, traffic, visual impact of such a huge store in close proximity to Margate's main asset, the main sands. Let's not forget the impact of supermarkets on towns.

Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 10:50 AM
Subject: Plans in for new superstore in Margate

Plans have been submitted for a new retail superstore next to Arlington
House in Margate.

The application is for a superstore, which would be built on the
existing car park. A total of 409 new parking spaces would be provided
at the ground floor level, with the store located above. Because the
shopping area is at the first floor level, the building includes a large
front lobby to enable customers to get to the store, and a raised
platform for lorry deliveries. Neither of these are usually required
with ground floor stores.

The shopping area of the store is similar in size to the existing Tesco
at Manston Road, Ramsgate. In total, including delivery areas and the
entrance lobby, the store would be 7,565 square metres.

The store is expected to bring 300 jobs to the area, according to
information submitted as part of the application.

The application also includes improvements to Arlington House,
including new windows, repairing and treating the concrete panels, new
lighting and a roof canopy on top of the building. The existing retail
units in Arlington Square would be demolished and replaced with new
shops, cafes, restaurants or bars, with a hotel above. The ground floor
of Arlington House would become either shops, a cafe, restaurant, bar or
community facility such as a doctor's surgery.

Details of the application are available on the council's website using
UK Planning under reference number 10/1061. The plans can also be viewed
by visiting Thanet's Gateway Plus in Cecil Street, Margate from 9am to
6pm, Monday to Friday, with extended opening until 8pm on Thursdays.
Thanet's Gateway Plus is also open from 9am to 5pm on Saturdays.

The deadline for comments to be received is 28 February 2011. Comments
should be sent to The application will
be considered by the council’s Planning Committee in spring 2011.


Hannah Thorpe
Corporate Communications and Marketing Officer
Thanet District Council
Direct Dial: 01843 577120
Fax: 01843 296866"


  1. Peter, in Margate, which I believe is "in the real world", we still have a butcher, a post Office and a Greengrocer, and a camera shop and loads of new businesses that have opened over the last year.
    They survived the opening of Westwood Cross.
    At College square, we also have a perfectly decent Morisons, an Island etc, 5 minutes walk from the proposed Tesco and with ample car parking space.

  2. What a monster! Looks like it it was conceived to sit in an out of town industrial estate. The sign is big enough to be seen from outer space.

    It would be a horrendous thing to dump on the gateway to Margate. I don't mind a supermarket, a "metro" town size supermarket, but this is horrendous!



  3. Tesco in the Pfizer building?

  4. Dont normally agree with you Peter,but you are spot on.This will turn what looks like a slum at mo into something really good,and Arlington being "done up"is fantastic news!Also as peter says ther are NO shops in westbrook Tesco will effect.Bring it on!

  5. Loads of local people love the New Turner building, sorry Peter i know you cant stand that idea.
