Thursday 28 April 2011

47 Hawley Square burning

47 Hawley Square burning

Unfortunately, we've had another historic building in flames again. 47 Hawley Square went up in flames for the second time. It stubbornly hasn't burnt down yet.

The next door burnt out shell of the ex-Conservative Club at 49-50 is standing still with no roof covering, open to the elements for the last 3 years. Compulsory Purchase Order papers have been drawn up since last year and, yet, somehow stalled at the top awaiting final sign off. But this is a Grade II listed building. The authorities do have powers to enforce their repair. They have a chance to put a message out to low life developers that if you attack the town's historic fabric you will not make a profit and you will be punished. Sadly, given the number of fires we still have in our Georgian buildings, this isn't happening. How sad, that in this day and age, that Georgian buildings are preyed upon by those who wish to destroy them.


  1. Hmm this is all too suspicious..up for auction..planning etc same as 49/50 never seems to be proper investigation,bet they get big fat insurance money though,tragic..all these glorious georgian buildings..

  2. Such a shame. The building is part of the terrace that forms the east side of Hawley Square. The terrace was built around 1760. It survived the War intact.

    Then in 2009, the next door building (number 50) was burned down after planning permission was refused and illegal works to the Listed Building were stopped.

    And then this, just after planning permission for an extension, and conversion to flats was refused, the building suddenly catches fire. Developers in Margate seem unlucky. Perhaps yesterday's sudden cold damp weather is to blame.

    Let's hope this this the last of this trend and that these buildings go to people who actually care about them.

  3. The building next door still stands derelict. It is a disgrace. Not even a tin roof to protect this important part of our heritage. Why has the Council not acted to protect the structure? Why have they not gone through with the Compulsory Purchase?
    I hope the authorities will now wake up to their responsibilities and take action.

  4. The Compulsory Purchase papers for Number 50, next door, were prepared after years of investigation and dithering. The budget for the purchase was approved by Cabinet early last winter. The file sits on a desk. Why has it not been served? Why is the Council not taking it's responsibility to protect our heritage? Why have they not at least put a protective temporary roof ion the structure?

  5. Liquoredupand lacqueredup5 May 2011 at 21:57

    Another disgraceful episode again highlighting the despicable venality of both developers and TDC. What a bunch of self serving toerags.I went to vote and I did not even know the names of the Tory candidates! Neither party came calling. They are so far up their own arses they have forgotten about the voter. What will burn next? No 19 Hawley Square? We are living in a war zone led and besieged by feckless arseholes.

  6. According to the newspaper, the investigation has been passed from the Fire Brigade to the Police- the fire originated from 2 different places on the top floor...
