Sunday, 25 July 2010

Scaffolding erected at Arlington House

We noticed this week that scaffolding has been erected at Arlington House by the freeholders Freshwater.

We enquired at TDC what was going on and got the following reply.

The scaffolding is to enable test cleaning to be carried out on the
building and the subsequent application of stain to try to return the
panel finish as close to the original finish as possible. It would not
require a planning application for that work.

The owners also intend to use the scaffold to replace windows to one
flat to those proposed for the whole building as part of a planning
application for the refurbishment of the building and redevelopment of
the car park and shopping precinct. They will not change the windows
until after they have submitted the application. The application
design and access statement will include confirmation that this will
be a sample installation to show what is intended and enable
assessment of its suitability. It will also confirm that should
permission not be granted, the original windows will be reinstalled.
This will give everybody the ability to make an informed assessment of
their refurbishment proposals.

Online discussions reportedly from Freshwater tenants across the country here. They are one of the biggest property companies in the UK.
More info:


  1. Maybe something will be done soon.

  2. Hopefully,the place is a disgrace and the first thing you see when you get off the tinted windows and a paint job is so needed..

  3. Freshwater the owners should never have been allowed to let the flats get in this state in the first place, the only reason they are doing anything is to get a tesco store on the site,it should be Freshwater paying for the new windows and upgrade not the residents

  4. Totally agree with last comment, why should people living in that building have to pay £17,000 for the upgrading of the outside so FRESHWATER can get a big supper store on the site,is another big tesco near the sea front what MARGATE really needs,has anybody stopped to think of the traffic problems or shall we just have another Westwood Cross at Margate sea front
