Friday, 2 December 2011

Thanet Distict Council and Freshwater had planned to evict residents of Arlington House

Over on the Arlington Margate website, there are details of the elusive Section 106 agreement between TDC and Freshwater. A document file has been relased to the public that reveals the communication between TDC and the developers agents.


  1. No they hadn't. A communication is one thing a plan is something else!

  2. How is a draft 106 agreement communication, Simon? The file contains correspondence and amendments of other files until Nov 2011. There is no communication or objection from TDC to date. Unless you have seen sight of subsequent drafts?

  3. Sadly a hitherto interesting and usually unbiased source of information seems to have been hijacked to serve the cause of political agitation. There was no such plan and freeholders do not have the legal muscle to evict leaseholders save in the extreme case of default on the lease terms. Even that involves court action frequently unsuccessful where homes are at stake.

    It would probably take longer to evict the Arlington leaseholders than it did the travellers from Dale Farm, like a decade or more.

  4. Margate Architecture4 December 2011 at 18:25

    Hmm, John, we were as surprised as anyone to find the S106 draft from May 6th in the document pack. But it was sent to lead officers at TDC and there is no record of a reply on this matter. I've reported this as I found it. I agree with you, they would find great difficulty making enforcing such a move, but interesting it was put forward at such a late stage and that as yet no rebuttal from TDC in the appeal file documentation. Have a read of the file at The Gateway. You will see for yourself.
